American West
February 2024

San Luis Obispo, CA
Forniture delivey
Fleet size:
American West, a furniture delivery company, operates with a fleet of 70 Class A drivers. With a focus on efficiency and safety, the company boasts a lean safety team consisting of one safety manager and one driver manager tasked with overseeing the coaching of all drivers. They utilize Samsara's integrated ELD and GPS tracking technology, alongside dash cam capabilities, to ensure optimal operational standards.

Why Our Customer
Loves Us
"We were missing measurable standards for vehicle inspections and the need for immediate action in addressing driver violations. We were also seeking to streamline its operations onto a single platform, particularly in light of rising insurance premiums.”

Alfredo Barajas Jr
Fleet Safety Manager at
American West
American West
The Challenge
Despite its streamlined operations, American West faced significant challenges in maintaining its safety standards due to its lean safety team. The dual responsibility of monitoring harsh driving events and checking Hours of Service (HOS) alongside inspection data proved highly time-consuming for the team. Managing such a substantial workload with only a safety manager and a driver manager for 70 drivers highlighted the need for a more efficient solution.

Key Results
Reduction in Harsh Driving Events
dash cam event processing related to harsh driving
of event reduced after two month of implementation
Inspection Compliance Insight
ELD and inspection log processing. 250 events related to missing pre-trip inspections
Inspection Compliance Insight
Launch weekly basis management report includes driver ranking and company wide safety metric review.
Launch weekly basis management report includes driver ranking and company wide safety metric review.
weekly training completion rate. In just one month, drivers have completed 262 refresher training sessions without human resources.
Successful Implementation by Medium-Sized Safety Team

Time saving by Safety managers

Complete implementation within 2 weeks

Not require additional financial resources. Budget allocated for Infiniti-i
American West's case study shows how medium-sized teams can effectively implement advanced technology solutions like Samsara to improve safety and operational efficiency substantially. There is a strong opportunity for insurance premium reduction and CSA score improvement.